
Sunday, August 9, 2009


Hi. I finished this painting today. It has not been varnished yet. I want the paint to set about 24 hours. I couldnt take my eyes off of it, that is, only to dry them up with kleenex and blow my nose!!! I am a total sap for cats. Today my favorite Cat Lady came by for a donation, which I am GLAD to give cause She has helped me so much when my black cat Tom Petty was just a tiny baby and I couldnt get him to eat food - only his bottle !! :) She had 3 kittens in her truck, found in the bushes. She is truly an Angel, and a Cat Expert.
ANYHOW ! The colors are a powdery pink chiffon for the dress which has a swirly Rose effect, the hair is several red hues with a pearly white shine on the top, the black cat is several black hues including a kind of 'iron' and gloss black. The pearls in her hair are irridescent and shine in the light. The halo is a kind of 'swoosh' with the pearly white and gold mixed, which also shines. The background colors are a black cherry glaze over a coffee bean color, which is applied to the frame portion as well, in crosshatch strokes, creating an aged effect.
If u would like to buy this painting, the cost is $63.00 (about 10% less than ebay SOLD price for similar Artwork ). I pay the shipping cost. I can send a Paypal Invoice, or your personal check. The painting is 18"x24" and weighs around 6-7 lbs, so the best ship method would be UPS 1-6 days delivery. They have always been very reliable.
I would like to title the painting 'Always'. If you have another title idea, just LMK.
It will take another day or two before the painting is ready to be packed.
Yours Sincerely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's so lovely.